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The 37 Best Websites to Learn Something New If you've ever been afflicted with writer's block, you'll know it's no laughing matter -- it can impede your writing for days, weeks, or even months. And while it's tempting to just ignore the problem and hope that it goes away, writer's block is one of those pests that requires active extermination. That's why we've put together this post all about how to overcome writer's block, complete with info on what actually causes this conundrum, as well as what you can do to avoid it! Trust me when I say that learning a new skill or expanding your knowledge is easier than you think. You just have to know where to look, so I've dedicated a post to the best places online for you to learn something new. Don't get me wrong -- school can be a great place to pick up new knowledge. It's just that most people have been forced into the corporate mindset of just learning for tests and forgetting everything they learned once the test is over. Which is why I love these alternatives! Some folks think that you need college in order to get a job in your desired field, but there are plenty of jobs out there for those who don't have a degree . It's all about knowing what tools and techniques will make you stand out from the crowd. I've always believed that everyone has at least one talent, and it's just a matter of finding out what yours is. Whether you're good at writing, art, or something else, you can use that talent to earn money ! If it seems like the whole world is stumbling through life in search of happiness , there's good reason for that. Happiness is one of those things that can come and go -- one day you're happy to be alive, the next day you feel like everything is beating you down. But the trick is figuring out how to be happy on a daily basis.It can be difficult, but it's also something that you can learn to do over time. And in this post, I'll reveal all the tips and techniques that will help you find happiness in no time! I always tell my friends that anyone can start a blog -- what separates the winners from the losers is when you start taking action. So whether you've got a blog or not, read through these blog-marketing tips and see how they apply to your situation and where there's room for improvement! If you've ever felt like you wanted to get started with blogging but didn't know what platform to use, I'm here to help. In this post I'll share my experience with the different blogging platforms out there so you can get a jump on your competition. If you're anything like me, you get a few hundred emails every day, and it's hard to keep up with the barrage of messages that come through your inbox. Which is why I've put together a list of my favorite productivity hacks that'll help anyone get more done in less time! I know what it's like to feel a bit stuck sometimes -- at least once a week I tell myself,"Man, I'm stuck in this rut, and nothing's going right..." You feel like there's something missing from your life, but you don't know what. cfa1e77820

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